CZMQ Manual - CZMQ/3.0.1
zrex - work with regular expressions
// Constructor. Optionally, sets an expression against which we can match
// text and capture hits. If there is an error in the expression, reports
// zrex_valid() as false and provides the error in zrex_strerror(). If you
// set a pattern, you can call zrex_matches() to test it against text.
CZMQ_EXPORT zrex_t *
zrex_new (const char *expression);
// Destructor
zrex_destroy (zrex_t **self_p);
// Return true if the expression was valid and compiled without errors.
zrex_valid (zrex_t *self);
// Return the error message generated during compilation of the expression.
CZMQ_EXPORT const char *
zrex_strerror (zrex_t *self);
// Returns true if the text matches the previously compiled expression.
// Use this method to compare one expression against many strings.
zrex_matches (zrex_t *self, const char *text);
// Returns true if the text matches the supplied expression. Use this
// method to compare one string against several expressions.
zrex_eq (zrex_t *self, const char *text, const char *expression);
// Returns number of hits from last zrex_matches or zrex_eq. If the text
// matched, returns 1 plus the number of capture groups. If the text did
// not match, returns zero. To retrieve individual capture groups, call
// zrex_hit ().
zrex_hits (zrex_t *self);
// Returns the Nth capture group from the last expression match, where
// N is 0 to the value returned by zrex_hits(). Capture group 0 is the
// whole matching string. Sequence 1 is the first capture group, if any,
// and so on.
CZMQ_EXPORT const char *
zrex_hit (zrex_t *self, uint index);
// Fetches hits into string variables provided by caller; this makes for
// nicer code than accessing hits by index. Caller should not modify nor
// free the returned values. Returns number of strings returned. This
// method starts at hit 1, i.e. first capture group, as hit 0 is always
// the original matched string.
zrex_fetch (zrex_t *self, const char **string_p, ...);
// Self test of this class
zrex_test (bool verbose);
Wraps a very simple regular expression library (SLRE) as a CZMQ class. Supports this syntax:
^ Match beginning of a buffer
$ Match end of a buffer
() Grouping and substring capturing
[...] Match any character from set
[^...] Match any character but ones from set
. Match any character
\s Match whitespace
\S Match non-whitespace
\d Match decimal digit
\D Match non decimal digit
\a Match alphabetic character
\A Match non-alphabetic character
\w Match alphanumeric character
\W Match non-alphanumeric character
\r Match carriage return
\n Match newline
+ Match one or more times (greedy)
+? Match one or more times (non-greedy)
* Match zero or more times (greedy)
*? Match zero or more times (non-greedy)
? Match zero or once
\xDD Match byte with hex value 0xDD
\meta Match one of the meta character: ^$().[*+?\
From zrex_test method
See also
The CZMQ manual was written by Pieter Hintjens<moc.xitami|hp#moc.xitami|hp>.
Main web site: http://czmq.zeromq.org/
Report bugs to the ØMQ development mailing list: <gro.qmorez.stsil|ved-qmorez#gro.qmorez.stsil|ved-qmorez>
Copyright (c) the Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file. This file is part of CZMQ, the high-level C binding for ØMQ: http://czmq.zeromq.org. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.