CZMQ Manual - CZMQ/3.0.1
zring - generic type-free doubly linked ring container
// Create a new ring container (a ring is a doubly-linked ring)
CZMQ_EXPORT zring_t *
zring_new (void);
// Destroy a ring container
zring_destroy (zring_t **self_p);
// Prepend an item to the start of the ring, return 0 if OK, else -1.
// Leaves cursor at newly inserted item.
zring_prepend (zring_t *self, void *item);
// Append an item to the end of the ring, return 0 if OK, else -1.
// Leaves cursor at newly inserted item.
zring_append (zring_t *self, void *item);
// Append an item to the end of the ring, and insert into the ring
// dictionary, so that you can find the item rapidly using zring_lookup.
// If you do a lot of item searches, this is faster than zring_find,
// which is at worst an O(N) operation. When items leave the ring, they
// are always removed from the dictionary. Returns 0 on success, -1 if
// the key already existed in the dictionary, or heap memory ran out.
zring_insert (zring_t *self, const void *key, void *item);
// Find an item in the ring, looking first at the cursor, and then from the
// first to last item. If a comparator was set on container, calls this to
// compare each item in the ring with the supplied target item. If none
// was set, compares the two item pointers for equality. If the item is
// found, leaves the cursor at the found item. Returns the item if found,
// else null.
zring_find (zring_t *self, void *item);
// Search the ring dictionary for an item, by key. If the item is in the
// dictionary (via zring_insert), then sets the ring cursor to the item,
// and returns the item value. If not, leaves the cursor unchanged, and
// returns NULL.
zring_lookup (zring_t *self, const void *key);
// Detach an item from the ring, without destroying the item. Searches the
// ring for the item, always starting with the cursor, if any is set, and
// then from the start of the ring. If item is null, detaches the item at the
// cursor, if set. If the item was found and detached, leaves the cursor at
// the next item, if any, and returns the item. Else, returns null.
zring_detach (zring_t *self, void *item);
// Remove an item from the ring, and destroy it, if the item destructor is
// set. Searches the ring for the item, always starting with the cursor, if
// any is set, and then from the start of the ring. If item is null, removes
// the item at the cursor, if set. If the item was found and removed, leaves
// the cursor at the next item, if any, and returns 0. Else, returns -1.
zring_remove (zring_t *self, void *item);
// Search the ring dictionary for an item, by key. If the item is in the
// dictionary (via zring_insert), then removes the item from the ring and
// calls the item destructor, if any is found. Returns 0 if the item was
// found and removed, else -1 if not found.
zring_delete (zring_t *self, const void *key);
// Delete all items from the ring. If the item destructor is set, calls it
// on every item.
zring_purge (zring_t *self);
// Return number of items in the ring
zring_size (zring_t *self);
// Return the item at the head of ring. If the ring is empty, returns NULL.
// Leaves cursor pointing at the head item, or NULL if the ring is empty.
zring_first (zring_t *self);
// Return the item at the tail of ring. If the ring is empty, returns NULL.
// Leaves cursor pointing at the tail item, or NULL if the ring is empty.
zring_last (zring_t *self);
// Return the next item. At the end of the ring (or in an empty ring),
// returns NULL. Use repeated zring_next () calls to work through the ring
// from zring_first ().
zring_next (zring_t *self);
// Return the previous item. At the start of the ring (or in an empty ring),
// returns NULL. Use repeated zring_prev () calls to work through the ring
// backwards from zring_last ().
zring_prev (zring_t *self);
// Return the key of the current item in the ring. If the ring is empty, or the
// cursor passed the end of the ring, returns NULL. Does not change the cursor.
CZMQ_EXPORT const void *
zring_key (zring_t *self);
// Return current item in the ring. If the ring is empty, or the cursor
// passed the end of the ring, returns NULL. Does not change the cursor.
zring_item (zring_t *self);
// Sort the list using the compare function.
// The sort is not stable, so may reorder items with the same keys.
zlist_sort (zlist_t *self, zlist_compare_fn *compare);
// Make a copy of the ring; items are duplicated if you set a duplicator
// for the ring, otherwise not. Copying a null reference returns a null
// reference.
CZMQ_EXPORT zring_t *
zring_dup (zring_t *self);
// Set a user-defined deallocator for ring items; by default items are not
// freed when the ring is destroyed.
zring_set_destructor (zring_t *self, czmq_destructor destructor);
// Set a user-defined duplicator for ring items; by default items are not
// copied when the ring is duplicated.
zring_set_duplicator (zring_t *self, czmq_duplicator duplicator);
// Set a user-defined comparator for zring_find and zring_sort; the method
// must return -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether item1 is less than, equal to,
// or greater than, item2.
zring_set_comparator (zring_t *self, czmq_comparator comparator);
// Self test of this class
zring_test (int verbose);
Provides a generic "ring" container, which mixes a doubly-linked list with a hash table to provide both ordered and direct keyed access to items. The zring class is more complex and powerful than zlist, which is considered a basic list container. This container provides hooks for duplicator, comparator, and destructor functions. These tie into CZMQ and standard C semantics, so e.g. for string items you can use strdup, strcmp, and zstr_free. To store custom objects, define your own duplicator and comparator, and use the standard object destructor.
From zring_test method
zring_t *ring = zring_new ();
assert (ring);
assert (zring_size (ring) == 0);
// Three items we'll use as test data
// Ring items are void *, not particularly strings
char *cheese = "boursin";
char *bread = "baguette";
char *wine = "bordeaux";
int rc = zring_append (ring, cheese);
assert (!rc);
assert (zring_size (ring) == 1);
assert (zring_item (ring) == cheese);
rc = zring_append (ring, bread);
assert (!rc);
assert (zring_size (ring) == 2);
assert (zring_item (ring) == bread);
rc = zring_append (ring, wine);
assert (!rc);
assert (zring_size (ring) == 3);
assert (zring_item (ring) == wine);
assert (zring_first (ring) == cheese);
assert (zring_next (ring) == bread);
assert (zring_next (ring) == wine);
assert (zring_next (ring) == NULL);
// After we reach end of ring, next wraps around
assert (zring_next (ring) == cheese);
assert (zring_last (ring) == wine);
assert (zring_prev (ring) == bread);
assert (zring_prev (ring) == cheese);
assert (zring_prev (ring) == NULL);
// After we reach start of ring, prev wraps around
assert (zring_prev (ring) == wine);
zring_purge (ring);
// Test some list insertion-deletion combos
assert (zring_size (ring) == 0);
zring_prepend (ring, "4");
zring_append (ring, "3");
zring_prepend (ring, "5");
zring_append (ring, "2");
zring_prepend (ring, "0");
zring_append (ring, "1");
assert (zring_size (ring) == 6);
// Try the comparator functionality
zring_set_comparator (ring, (czmq_comparator *) strcmp);
zring_sort (ring);
char *item = (char *) zring_first (ring);
assert (streq (item, "0"));
item = (char *) zring_find (ring, "5");
assert (streq (item, "5"));
// Try the duplicator and destructor
zring_set_duplicator (ring, (czmq_duplicator *) strdup);
zring_t *dup = zring_dup (ring);
assert (dup);
zring_set_destructor (dup, (czmq_destructor *) zstr_free);
assert (zring_size (dup) == 6);
zring_destroy (&dup);
// We're comparing as strings, not item pointers
rc = zring_remove (ring, "2");
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zring_remove (ring, "5");
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zring_remove (ring, "3");
assert (rc == 0);
item = (char *) zring_detach (ring, NULL);
zring_purge (ring);
// Try the dictionary insert/delete functionality
rc = zring_insert (ring, "1", "one");
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zring_insert (ring, "3", "three");
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zring_insert (ring, "2", "two");
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zring_insert (ring, "2", "two");
assert (rc == -1);
const char *key;
item = (char *) zring_lookup (ring, "2");
assert (streq (item, "two"));
key = (char *) zring_key (ring);
assert (streq (key, "2"));
item = (char *) zring_lookup (ring, "1");
assert (streq (item, "one"));
key = (char *) zring_key (ring);
assert (streq (key, "1"));
item = (char *) zring_item (ring);
assert (streq (item, "one"));
key = (char *) zring_key (ring);
assert (streq (key, "1"));
item = (char *) zring_first (ring);
key = (char *) zring_key (ring);
assert (streq (key, "1"));
item = (char *) zring_next (ring);
key = (char *) zring_key (ring);
assert (streq (key, "3"));
item = (char *) zring_next (ring);
key = (char *) zring_key (ring);
assert (streq (key, "2"));
rc = zring_delete (ring, "3");
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zring_delete (ring, "3");
assert (rc == -1);
// Using detach/remove will also remove from dictionary
rc = zring_remove (ring, "two");
assert (rc == 0);
rc = zring_delete (ring, "2");
assert (rc == -1);
zring_purge (ring);
// Destructor should be safe to call twice
zring_destroy (&ring);
assert (ring == NULL); zring_destroy (&ring);
See also
The CZMQ manual was written by Pieter Hintjens<moc.xitami|hp#moc.xitami|hp>.
Main web site: http://czmq.zeromq.org/
Report bugs to the ØMQ development mailing list: <gro.qmorez.stsil|ved-qmorez#gro.qmorez.stsil|ved-qmorez>
Copyright (c) the Contributors as noted in the AUTHORS file. This file is part of CZMQ, the high-level C binding for ØMQ: http://czmq.zeromq.org. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.